A Ban on Cell Phones in Medford Classrooms is Under Investigation by the School District Board

MEDFORD, Ore — Using cell phones in classrooms could soon be banned at all schools in the Medford School District (MSD).


Call for Feedback Before Implementation

Feedback from the community, parents, students, and the handful of schools that have already banned phones in the classroom is the next step by the MSD board.


Lockable Phone Pouch Under Trial at Grant High

Meanwhile, the launch of a new device, Yondr, which curbs access to cell phones during school hours, is already under trial at Grant High School in Portland.

Last month, a news report said students at the school had met the introduction of Yondr with mixed feelings. Some say the lock-up pouch is too restrictive, while others are happy about the change the policy has made in classrooms.

Phones are placed inside a lockable Yondr pouch, making access unobtainable during classroom hours. Owners can unlock the pouch when they step outside the phone-free area.

A draft policy could be on the agenda for the next meeting of the Medford School Board members.


No Phones in Class is a Nationwide Trend

The decision by MSD to investigate a phone-free schooling environment follows a nationwide trend of banning cell phones in classrooms.

Phoenix High School in Jackson County has already instituted a phone-free schoolroom policy, and a teacher at the David Douglas High School in Portland has adopted a hardline to cellphone use in her classroom.

Tracy Apple hung up a sign in her classroom which read: ‘The phone goes away and never comes back out. PHONES OFF!!!’

Cyberbullying is commonplace in schooling environments. Public school leaders in Portland have discussed cellphone bans as a possible solution to problematic behavior in classrooms and during lunch breaks. Academics believe that banning phones will limit distractions and improve the learning environment.

North Salem High School has also adopted a phone-free classroom environment where business teacher Rich Peterson is optimistic that the policy will create a better learning environment.



Florida became the first state last year to ban cell phones in classrooms.

Oregon Governor Tina Kotek has indicated her support if the cellphone ban is adopted statewide.

The MSD will address concerns about students with medical issues requiring access to their cell phones.

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