AI is Giving People Superpowers, Ashland Summit-Goers are Told

ASHLAND, Ore — ‘AI is giving people superpowers’ 150 attendees were told at a recent three-day summit in Ashland highlighting how artificial intelligence can help solve issues facing local communities.


AI Has Helped Solve Environmental Problems

The speaker who kept the audience spellbound was Stephen Sklarew who changed careers from aquatic entomologist to founder of Portland-based Synaptiq, a company that uses AI to help solve world environmental problems.

The audience heard how a bolt of lightning literally changed the trajectory of Sklarew’s life.

It was 1996 when Sklarew was in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains working as an aquatic entomologist. He set up sample logs in various locations to see how they could help organisms thrive.

Sklarew says while checking one of the logs was struck down by lightning but managed to crawl out of the river and drive the two-hour journey back home in West Virginia, crying in pain all the way.

His recovery took six months during which time his father gave him a computer to occupy himself during his convalescence. His passion for nature led to the establishment of his AI company that has been involved in 200 projects since starting in 2015.

One of these was the restoration of coral reefs in the Bahamas, a joint effort with Coral Vita. Sklarew says AI helped automate the process and that the program is now helping to restore coral reefs around the globe.


AI is Saving Local Nonprofit Thousands of Dollars

Another keynote speaker was Haylee Ulrey, who said AI saves $41,280 annually for the nonprofit. She expects this figure to double soon. Rogue Workforce Partnership, where she is employed as the senior operations manager.

Ulrey said AI systems are playing pivotal roles streamlining operations for the nonprofit that provides recruiting, staffing, and training in Josephine and Jackson counties.

Other participants at the summit were:

  • Ian Ingram, a computer science major at Southern Oregon University and founder of the startup AI consulting firm Neuraven.
  • Thor Muller, a local entrepreneur and AI strategist at Mach 49, a venture strategy firm.
  • Jay Golden, founder and chief storyteller of Retellable.
  • Aaron Moffatt, chief technology officer at Immersion Analytics and director of the documentary, “Klamath.”

Summit partners included Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library, Southern Oregon University, ScienceWorks, Rogue Valley AI Lab and Architects of the New Paradigm.

In closing, delegates were told by Sklarew that AI does not have to be scary as it offers a host of practical applications.

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