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U.S. Postal Service $40 Billion Campaign to Streamline Postal Deliveries is Not Working, say Oregon Lawmakers

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) attempt at modernizing its aging network by consolidating its postal delivery system is not working, says Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, and Medford Mayor Randy Sparacino. Consolidating postal services is part of a USPS $40 billion 10-year nationwide plan called Delivering for America.


The Postmaster General Says There Will Be No Such Change

Earlier this week the two men called on the USPS to reverse its decision to move outgoing mail to a regional processing and distribution center in Portland. But Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has made it clear that there will be no such change at the Portland center.

DeJoy stated in a letter to the senate last week that Oregon is one of 20 centers nationwide that will not be included in a pause on the postal consolidation program and made it clear that there are no plans to reverse the changes.


Hiccups With Mail Deliveries in Southern Oregon

Hiccups with the mail delivery system in Southern Oregon dates to February when Portland became the centralized regional hub. Postal delivery systems were closed in Medford and Eugene and moved to Portland.

Previously, it has been reported that large piles of outgoing mail remain in post offices overnight. This situation arose when between 12 and 14 delivery trucks were eliminated in the new postal delivery streamlining campaign. The reduction in the number of mail delivery trucks is blamed for postal delays.

Lawmakers Wyden and Sparacino say postal delays are financially draining to local businesses. Wyden says the inefficient postal service is increasing costs for businesses and is particularly financially draining to small business enterprises. Wyden says the biggest problems facing the small businessman and residents in Southern Oregon are the rising cost of rentals and food.

Not only is Wyden calling for a reversal of the centralized postal system, but also for a USPS public meeting to discuss the changes.

Mayor Sparacino says the USPS has broken its promise that postal deliveries will not be negatively impacted. He has also called for a reversal of the system before late mail deliveries damage local businesses further.

Sparacino says he has received numerous complaints about the postal service from residents and businesses and cited a local Southern Oregon builder as an example. The builder said he mailed a local account across town, but it arrived at its destination later than a letter which had been sent across the country.

Southern Oregon
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