Ashland Poised to Become First City in Oregon to Introduce Youth-Led Pollution-Free Policy

ASHLAND, Ore. — Ashland City Council is on the brink of adopting a pollution-free policy that will be the first of its kind statewide.


Carbon Emissions Fee

If the city council green lights the plan, owners of newly constructed homes who elect to install gas and not electric appliances will be liable for an upfront carbon emissions fee.

The fees homeowners will pay will apply to each gas appliance they install and the extent of their carbon emissions.

The ordinance lays down energy-efficient rules for newly built homes to improve the quality of air indoors.

Stipulations include the installation of electric appliances like water and heat pumps. These are four times more efficient than gas and will save residents money to heat and cool their homes.


Pollution Free Ordinance Lobbied by Youth Organization

The Pollution-Free ordinance has been the focus of the Ashland Youth for Electrification, lobbying the city council, organizations, and community members for the last two years to meet climate change commitments.

Leading the cause is Ashland High School student and youth organizer Piper Banks, who has devoted much of her free time to lobbying city councilors, organizations, and community members.

Another organization at the forefront of climate change lobbying is Rogue Climate, which had representatives at the council meeting.

The council will hold the second and final reading of the Pollution Free Ordinance on 4 February.

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