Drug Paraphernalia Outside Medford School is Escalating, Say Residents

MEDFORD, Ore. — Concerned Medford residents are regularly finding drug paraphernalia on the street outside the McLoughlin Middle School. They say the problem is a regular occurrence and is escalating

Medford Police yesterday removed a bag of drug paraphernalia, including needles and pills.


Resident Fears for His Wife’s Life

Another resident, Gary Spillane, fears for his wife’s life which he believes is in danger when she is at home alone while he is at work.

Spillane says he has had multiple confrontations with people using drugs near the school.

Elise Milam, who lives opposite the school, patrols a short stretch of the street leading to the school gate every morning to remove any drug paraphernalia before the children arrive.

Milam is seriously considering relocating, adding “I cannot unsee what I have seen.”

Both he and Milam have contacted the Medford Police for help and while they understand that the police cannot always respond because they are busy attending to calls across the city.

Nevertheless, the residents wish that they could obtain more help to keep their neighborhood safe. They are becoming increasingly concerned about the drug problem, which they claim is escalating and has become a regular occurrence.

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