The Economic Opportunities of the Umpqua Valley was Highlighted at a Two-Day Conference in Roseburg

ROSEBURG, Ore. — A two-day conference to highlight the economic opportunities of the Umpqua Valley draws to a close today (Wednesday). This is the first time that the Umpqua Economic Development Partnership (UEDP) is hosting a Southern Oregon Economic Summit in Roseburg.


Southern Oregon is the Ideal Location to Open a Business and to Raise a Family

Leading figures in the field of partnerships, innovation, and lifestyle from Douglas, Josephine and Jackson counties will highlight why Southern Oregon is the ideal location to open and develop business growth and to raise families.

Apart from attending lectures by guest speakers, delegates to the summit spent the two days at workshops and tours of the area.

The Executive Director of the UEDP, Brian Prawitz, says the summit was organized to allow delegates to explore the opportunities available in Southern Oregon from a new perspective. Prawitz says many of the delegates have previously only scratched the surface of the economic scope of the region. He is optimistic that the summit will impact business and the economic future of Southern Oregon.


Topics discussed at the Economic Summit are:

  • Challenges and Wins – exploring Southern Oregon’s dynamic landscape.
  • Douglas County Healthcare Consortium – discussions on Umpqua Valley’s healthcare future.
  • Forestry and Transportation Partnerships – leaders discuss the future of both industries.
  • Manufacturing Concepts – innovative methodologies and advancements that are setting new manufacturing standards.
  • Outdoors/Agri Tourism – pivotal economic drivers in Southern Oregon’s robust outdoor and agricultural heritage.


Overview of the UEDP

The Umpqua Economic Development Partnership serves as a partner, collaborator, and catalyst for economic growth in Douglas County. The UEDP provides customer service to organizations involved in driving economic development, as well as giving access to resources and providing a vision for growth.

The main thrust of the UEDPs vision is to increase both the quality and number of opportunities available to the people who live and work in the Umpqua Valley. A three-pronged approach has been developed by the organization to achieve its end-vision.

  1. Education – by working closely with local leaders in industry, providing K-12 education programs to prepare students to meet workforce demands and to find successful employment.
  2. Entrepreneurial Developments – facilitating the creation of programs that support ‘Grow Our Own’ business efforts that include pre-seed funds. Growth talks, and education.
  3. Workforce – Working with companies to identify current and future needs, as well as pursuing areas to improve quality and engagement of the emerging workforce by targeting resources.



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