Fire Danger Level Restrictions are Increased in Two Oregon Counties

JACKSON & JOSEPHINE COUNTIES. Ore. — Hot temperatures and dry conditions have resulted in more stringent fire danger level restrictions throughout Jackson and Josephine Counties.

Fire danger levels change from low to moderate at one minute passed midnight tomorrow, Thursday. The ruling will impact 1.8 million acres of land protected by the Southwest District of the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF), and includes state, county, Bureau of Land Management, city, and private lands.

Residents face an extensive list of new restrictions to assist the ODF to mitigate the risk of wildfire outbreaks, while existing fire restrictions remain in force.


Here Are the New Fire Restrictions

Among some of the restrictions is a ruling that all motorized vehicles must be equipped with a 2.5 a fire extinguisher of 2.5 pounds or larger, a one gallon can of water, and a shovel. A further restriction is that motorized vehicles are only allowed to travel on improved roads that are free of flammable vegetation.

The other new restrictions are:

Open fires are prohibited. These include charcoal, cooking, warming, and campfires, except in designated campgrounds. However, firepits and portable cooking stoves using bottled or liquefied fuels are allowed in vegetation-free areas.

Mowing dried or dead grass is prohibited between 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. This excludes the mowing of green grass or equipment used for agricultural and commercial purposes.

  • The use of spark-emitting internal combustion engines (not specified) is prohibited between 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sites where these engines are used must have a water supply and be clear of flammable materials.
  • Chainsaws cannot be used between 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. However, chainsaws can be used outside this time frame if the operator has an 8-oz or larger fire extinguisher, a shovel on site, and a fire watch is required for one-hour post-use.
  • Metal cutting, grinding, and welding is prohibited between 1p.m. and 8 p.m., but is allowed outside these hours if the site is clear of flammable materials and a water supply is available.


Residents Must Also Adhere to Existing Fire Restrictions

  • People may only smoke when travelling in enclosed vehicles on improved roads, in boats when on the water, and in designated locations.
  • No debris may be burned, including burn barrels and piles.
  • No fireworks within 1/8 mile of BLM-managed and ODF-protected lands.
  • Discharging any bullet with a pyrotechnic charge, tracer ammunition, and exploding targets, is prohibited.
  • Metal cutting, grinding and welding is prohibited between 1 p.m. and 8 p.m., and will only ne allowe3d outside of these times if the work site is clear of flammable materials and vegetation. There must also be a water supply on site.
  • Electric fence controllers must be certified by the Department of Consumer and Business Services, be approved by recognized testing laboratories, and used per safety instructions.

For more information, contact the Medford Southwest Oregon District unit office at 541-664-2236 or the Grants Pass unit office at 541-474-3152.

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