High Levels of Bacteria in Oregon’s Wagner Creek

TALENT, Ore. — Elevated levels of bacteria are being recorded in Oregon’s Wagner Creek in Talent that could have been caused by fecal matter.


Warning Issued that Bacteria Levels Exceed Safety Standards

Rogue Valley Council’s Natural Resources Department has issued a warning that bacteria levels in the waterway exceed safety standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for contact recreation sport.

The levels of bacteria in the Wagner Creek at West Valley View Road exceed the criteria set by the agency and can cause people to become ill if the water is ingested. People taking part in contact sports such as swimming, wading, and surfing are asked to take precautions against drinking the water from Wagner Creek.

The Natural Resources Department says factors such as leaking septic tanks, illegal dumping from portable toilets, and pet and livestock waste can cause unacceptable levels of bacteria


Public Asked to Keep Fecal Matter Away from Waterways

The public is asked to keep fecal matter away from waterways and storm drains, to ensure that toddlers wear swim diapers, and to pick up after pets.

The Environmental Protection Agency has developed a set of criteria to protect the public from exposure to harmful pathogens while they enjoy water-contact activities. These criteria protect people from toxins created by viruses and bacteria in rivers, lakes, and beaches, and are set to protect human health.

State and tribal governments can use the agency’s recommendations as a guideline for setting water quality standards to ensure the safety of their residents when coming into contacted with contaminated water.




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