Inappropriate Conduct Allegation Against Medford School Board Member Under Independent Investigation

MEDFORD, Ore. — The Medford School Board (MSB) has launched an independent investigation into one of its board members who is accused of inappropriate conduct. In a statement, the MSB says it will give feedback once the investigation is completed.


MSB Denies Rumors

In the meantime, the MSB has denied rumors that an allegation of inappropriate behavior by a school board member is linked to either the reassignment of Josh Doney, a Student Resource Officer (SRO), or to the failure to expel a student in possession of a firearm.

In a news release, the MSB denies the allegation that Josh Doney was transferred because of a conversation with a board member. Instead, they say the transfer resulted from concerns about Medford School District SRO ‘standards and expectations.’

Regarding the allegation that an armed student was not expelled, the school district responded that it has never violated its policy to expel students for at least one year if they are found in possession of a firearm. The statement goes on to say that it ‘depends on the situation’ if a student returns to campus.

The Medford School District says the complaint against a board member will be processed by KL policy (public complaints) and voted to initiate an investigation at a board meeting earlier this week.

The only board member to abstain from voting was school board director, Lilia Caballero, who told the meeting that she was ‘uncomfortable’ with the decision to initiate an investigation, and board member Michael Williams, who objected to the investigation.

The school board chairperson, Cynthia Wright, believes that an investigation is the best option to reach a fair decision regarding the complainant and the board member mentioned in the complaint. Wright says a copy of the complaint was circulated to all board members by the district’s legal counsel.

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