New Park for Ashland Will Include a Bike Pump Track and Dog Park

ASHLAND, Ore. — A new park with a pump track for bikes and a dog park will be built in the southern suburbs of Ashland. Thanks to a $1 million grant, the creation of East Main Park will begin and spread across 6.5 acres, comparable in size to Hunter Park.  

Ashland Parks and Recreation Director Rocky Houston says East Main Park will be created in two phases with an ultimate price tag of $2 million.

Phase one will also include restrooms and a parking lot, with additional financial support from the Ashland Parks Foundation and the Rogue Valley Mountain Bike Association.

Phase two will include a walking trail, a playground with wooden structures, an artificial creek, and a community garden space.

The need for a mountain bike track dates back to 2017 when the Rogue Valley Mountain Bike Association approached Ashland City, asking for the creation of a bike pump track. Smaller than a typical sports field, a pump track can be used by children and beginners.

Ashland Parks called a meeting to gauge support for the pump track, and about 120 residents came out in support of the project.

The pandemic stalled the project and it took Ashland City time to acquire the current location after annexing a portion of land from Jackson County.

Parks Director Houston explains that the project will now go out for bid, while phase two design plans will soon be completed.

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