Oregon Killer of Two Young Men Asked Google if Inmates Had Television in Prison

The senseless killing of two young men in their prime was a case of mistaken identity by a confessed killer who asked whether inmates had access to television in prison in a Google search after the double murder.


Double Murderer Sentenced to Life with Possibility of Bail After 32 Years

Bennett Miller (25) was sentenced to life with the possibility of bail after 32 years by Circuit Judge Eric Bergstrom in the Multnomah County Circuit Court. He had pleaded guilty to both counts of first-degree murder.

When asked to speak, Miller stated he was “a product of my environment.” It is unclear what the Franklin High School graduate meant.

Portland mistaken identity double murder - Bennett Miller
Bennett Miller

At the time of the incident, Miller lived in the attic of his parents’ million-dollar home in Mt. Tabor, Portland. They sat in the courtroom during their son’s sentencing.


Killer Left a Trail of Clues

Evidence presented in court showed that Miller was aware of a trail of clues he had left behind after the shooting of Fortressen Oriakhi and Isidahomen “Isi” Ikhuoria as they were driving home after an evening of karaoke.

The police seized Miller’s phone that revealed that the shooter had been asking Google if inmates had television in prison and whether red-light cameras always made recordings.

Evidence was that on the night of June 23, 2023, Miller unleashed a volley of 10 shots, killing Oriakhi and Ikhuoria as they were driving home on Northeast Cesar Chavez Boulevard after an evening of karaoke to celebrate Oriakhi’s birthday. Oriakhi died later that night, and Ikhuoria died in hospital a week later.

Miller was delivering cocaine in the parking lot of Tom’s Bar in Portland when he noticed the two young men drive off in an Oldsmobile. Miller mistook them for two other men against who he held a grudge.


Miller Wore a Ski Mask and Drove a Souped-Up Camry

Wearing a ski mask, Miller followed the unsuspecting friends his souped-up Camry and shot them when they stopped at a red traffic light.

Miller, who was arrested last June, never disclosed what the grudge was about but, according to police evidence seized during a search warrant, Miller had experience as a small-time drug dealer.

Ikhuoria, who lived in Nigeria, was killed while on a two-month visit to Oregon. The 25-year-old had graduated from a high school in Corvallis where he had befriended Fortressen Oriakhi. He was on the 19th day of his holiday after celebrating his friend Oriaki’s birthday when he was shot.

Oriakhi grew up in Corvallis and was an electrical engineer graduate from Covenant University in Lagos.

Oriakhi’s mother, Lauretta, faced Miller in the courtroom when forgiving him for gunning down and killing her son and his close friend. Bennett remained sullen-faced and slumped down in his chair.

After the court hearing, Senior Deputy District Attorney Nathan Vasquez described the two young men who lost their lives as ‘bright lights…taken too soon,’ adding that this had been one of the saddest cases of his career.

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