Oregon Father Charged After Stabbing Daughter’s Boyfriend in Bloody Apartment Showdown

A Springfield woman whose boyfriend was allegedly stabbed by her father said it looked like a mass murder had taken place inside her apartment, according to court documents.

Her father, Bryan Whitecloud (49), stabbed Donovan Young-Montgomery (27) when he found out that the boyfriend had assaulted his daughter, according to court records.


Father Charged with Assault and Boyfriend with Menacing

Whitecloud has been charged with first- and second-degree assault and unlawful use of a weapon, and Young-Montgomery is charged with menacing after the alleged assault on his girlfriend two weeks before the stabbing incident.

Court records show that after the assault on 15 February, Springfield police found two hunting knives, two pairs of brass knuckles, and a bloody key in the Mill Street apartment.

Whitecloud, who lives out of town, was at his daughter’s home after she gave him a key to her apartment. Court records state that when she arrived home from work, she saw her boyfriend pushed up against a balcony railing by her father.

On the day of the incident, police went to the McKenzie-Willamette Hospital where Young-Montgomery was treated for wounds to his face, arm, and lip.

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