Oregon Landlords Cannot Ask Tenants to Disclose Their Immigration Status
Oregon landlords will no longer be allowed to ask tenants to disclose their immigration status.
SB 599 Bars Discrimination Against Immigrant Tenants
Lawmakers voted for the ban on Monday when passing Senate Bill 599 which bars discrimination against immigrant tenants. The bill must now be sanctioned by the House.
While existing state law prohibits housing discrimination based on national origin or race, the bill prohibits discrimination based on immigration status.
Tenants can now provide landlords with proof of identification documents like tax numbers or driver’s licenses instead of birth certificates or Social Security numbers.
Landlords can only ask tenants about their immigration status if required by a federal government affordable housing program.
The Bill Follows in the Wake of Threats to deport Immigrants
SB 599 follows in the wake of threats by the Trump administration to deport immigrants and to strip those born in the U.S. of their right to American citizenship.
Adding to mounting tension is the increasing impetus of homelessness in the state, as Oregon battles to provide affordable housing and to care for nearly 23,000 people with no roof over their heads.
The bill is similar to a city ordinance adopted by Portland in 2019. Four other states have also adopted similar laws – California, Illinois, New York, and Washington.
However, Oregon was the first state to prohibit state and local law enforcement from aiding federal officials to enforce immigration laws – a law in practice for nearly 40 years.
State and local agencies do not collect, store, or share immigration status information about the citizenship or country of origin of its residents.
They are prohibited from sharing records or granting federal immigration authorities access to non-public areas. The only exceptions are court orders signed by a judge.
The chief sponsor of the Senate Bill was Senator Wlnsvey Campos, D-Aloha.