Oregon ‘Oval Office’ is Available for November 5 Election Watch Parties

MEDFORD, Ore — Oregon election watch parties could ramp up their November 5 vigil in a mock ‘Oval Office,’ and the experience would cost a mere $165.


A Replica Right Here in Medford

While the real Oval Office may be 2,813.1 miles from Medford, a replica exists right here at the Rogue Valley International Medford Airport building.

The mock-up was the brainwave of the former director of the small international airport, Bern Case, whose reputation for innovation dated back to his years as a mortician.

Long before he worked at the Medford airport, Case was employed as a mortician in the 1970s. During those years he wrote a cost-saving book called “Don’t Bury Yourself in Funeral Expense.” Case says some of the concepts he put forward in his book – such as itemized burial services – now form part of funeral regulations.

But, back to the Medford ‘Oval Office.’ It all happened when Case stood in a barely used room of the newly-constructed airport when he had a brainwave…’I thought wow, how close is this room in size to the Oval Office?’ After consulting Google, Case established that the rectangular room in the airport was indeed close in scale to the U.S. executive’s office.

He then got to thinking about the potential revenue a mock ‘Oval Office’ could command and, apart from telling his wife played his cards close to his chest until his plan was formulated. ‘I played with it in my mind…because I knew it sounded kind of crazy.’

After compiling a detailed plan, he made his presentation to his boss. The plan also highlighted the contribution that could be made to local history and the arts, as well as the financial benefits.  Case says it didn’t take long for his boss to approve the project, and while he still had a lot to tell him…’when you get a yes, it’s time to shut up.’


The Project Was Supported by More than 25 Sponsors

More than 25 sponsors jumped onboard to provide the material needed to recreate a replica of the White House hot seat. Items included the president’s mock Resolute Desk that was a prop for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, wallpaper with the Rose Garden images, and wood flooring with the identical pattern found in the Washington D.C. Oval Office.

Present-day airport director Amber Judd says while Medford’s ‘Oval office’ is not a big money-spinner, it does nevertheless provide a lot of entertainment, especially during visits by student field trips…’kids sit at the desk, pick up the phone and give executive orders…like the abolition of homework and ice cream for breakfast,’ says Judd.

But, on a more serious note, visitors to the Medford’s ‘Oval Office’ have included Oregon Senator Ron Wyden and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. Sen. Wyden even watched a vice-presidential debate from the room.

The Medford replica has been rented since 2010 for a variety of functions – from commercials to weddings and, maybe on November 5, to election watch parties.

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