Oregon’s Emerging “Magic Mushroom” Industry and Legalization Covered in New CNN Documentary

Oregon has had itself as the center of attention and innmore news stories than we can count, and now is no different. On June 18th, an episode of “The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper” aired an episode titled “Magic Mushrooms: Can They Change Your Mind?”

The series, though short, has been known to tackle relevant and important stories that don’t quite get enough time in everyday airings on national news networks. One of these involves Oregon and its slow build to implementing a psilocybin service.

Here’s a small rundown in case you aren’t familiar. Psilocybin mushrooms are a variety of fungi that encapsulates many species of hallucinogenic mushrooms. You may be more familiar with its recreational name: “magic mushrooms.” You can check out the types of magic mushrooms as well as more information on the Oregon psilocybin services right here.

They’re a fairly controversial drug, as they’re illegal in most states and are often frowned upon by many. In fact, psilocybin mushrooms are actually illegal in 44 states. There are only 5 states that have magic mushrooms decriminalized in certain municipalities. Oregon, is the only state in the USA that has fully decriminalized the drug. Before anyone decides to get excited and perhaps book a trip to Oregon, know that it isn’t a free-for-all. There is a difference between “decriminalized” and “legalized”. Yes, they are decriminalized in Oregon, but they’ve only been legalized within a therapeutic setting. Hallucinogenic mushrooms are considered a controlled substance, and so should only be given by a licensed professional. If you want a chance at taking the drug, it’s going to be in a controlled environment with a licensed facilitator and used specifically in a therapeutic setting. You have to be over twenty-one and be completely clean off of lithium. Even if you are good to go on all these, a facilitator can deny you doses if they deem it necessary. Not to mention, it’s a lengthy process, including an initial meeting, signing papers, scheduling another time to be administered the dose, and you’re not allowed to leave until you’re deemed safe to go home. Be wary of anyone who characterizes the decriminalization as just selling magic mushrooms in every smoke shop in Oregon, as they are very misinformed.


collection of magic mushrooms

Whatever you may think about them, though, it’s a fact that hallucinogenic mushrooms can play a key part within the realm of therapeutic recreational usage, which is why its decriminalization is seen as a good thing by some medical experts.

Because of its controversy, it’s important that it gets covered with fairness and by unbiased sources, and whether or not you think the broadcast achieved that is up to your interpretation. Its coverage is still vital, as the American people need to be informed enough to make a sound judgment, and should possible decriminalization come to their states, a sound decision.

It’s David Culver who had reported this time around, who wanted to understand the therapeutic side of psilocybin for disorders such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and addiction.

Culver did indeed make his way to Oregon, where the drug had its very first decriminalized status statewide. The facts, similar to what I’ve given you, were laid out in an organized fashion, and goes over the basic process of how mushrooms would be obtained in a legal setting.

Stepping away from the United States, Culver also brought the nation’s attention to Jamaica, but mainly to get the experiences of Americans who have visited and tried out the drug for themselves. There’s an actual resort that Culver visited that specialized in retreats of the psychedelic variety. The usage isn’t all about recreation though, as according to the people there, it’s all about being able  “to reconnect with themselves, curb addiction, and find inner healing.”

In the press materials, Culver said, “In hopes of better understanding their mind-altering trips, I also wanted to see if the mushrooms might work their therapeutic magic on me. Having lived and reported through China’s relentless ‘Zero-Covid’ policies, including harsh and punishing lockdowns, I wondered if the medicine – as they call it – might help me better process my nearly three years isolated from family and loved ones back in the US. The mushrooms took me on a journey I did not expect.” That particular section of the episode was interesting to say the least, and I definitely recommend watching it for yourself; sober or otherwise, I don’t judge.

So that is a glimpse into what may lay in the future for the United States. First it was marijuana, and now it seems that hallucinogenic mushrooms are going to make their entrance. Their decriminalization would lead to a slew of interesting developments. For one, it would start up an entire new industry. While prices aren’t set, it’s estimated to cost hundreds or even thousands, but they’re hoping to expand. Sessions with higher dosages, lower dosages, group sessions; it’s only going to continue to grow within Oregon, and I might be getting a little ahead of myself here, but it might just be something that drives up tourism, if you know what I mean.

One of the bigger developments that I haven’t seen covered would be that, like when weed was decriminalized, those incarcerated due to possession of hallucinogenic mushrooms would be in line to be released.

Magic mushrooms, while having some powerful effects, are seen as some of the more mild drugs when it comes to the consequences. Those may include vomiting, drowsiness, weakness in muscles, and nausea. Unless you are mixing mushroom usage with other illegal drugs, or are doing something reckless while under the influence of mushrooms, you’re going to be fine afterwards. Your trip may be good, or it may be frightening, but dying is not a possibility.

While it’s only limited to one state, I highly implore people outside of Oregon to consider this situation and consider the possibility of further decriminalization. If you’re curious for more information, the “The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper” episode aired on the 18th, so go ahead and take a look and see what you think.


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