Portland Police Execute Massive Retail Theft Bust at Mall 205, 29 Arrested

By the end of a retail theft mission conducted by officers from Portland’s East Precinct officers, in collaboration with Multnomah County Parole & Probation, the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office (MCSCO),  Neighborhood Response Teams from all three precincts, and business partners on Thursday, February 6 the Mall 205 in and Gateway areas, 29 people had been arrested and stolen merchandise was recovered.

Suspect in custody
Suspect in custody | Portland Police Bureau Photo


Successful Portland Police Retail Theft Mission In The Mall 205 and Gateway Areas

The partnership of the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) and MCSO has made hundreds of arrests and served warrants during several missions.

The  Retail Theft Task Force of the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office (MCDA) has also been instrumental in issuing criminal prosecutions from these missions. Similar missions have been undertaken in other Oregon cities, such as the recent Medford Police crackdown on retail theft.

DA Vasquez confirmed in a release that last week’s mission alone led to 29 arrests and the recovery of over $650 in stolen merchandise. One vehicle elude was also attended to, and three stolen vehicles were recovered.

DA Nathan Vasquez speaks at roll call
DA Nathan Vasquez speaks at roll call | Portland Police Bureau Photo

Police indicated that retail theft, also known as shoplifting, goes further than just taking items for personal use.

Organized theft rings steal items that can quickly be sold on the secondary market or returned to stores for a fake “refund.” Police warned that returning (or attempting to “return”) stolen property is a class-C felony, no matter the value.

The people involved in shoplifting are often engaged in criminal activity extending far beyond retail theft, including illegal possession of firearms, drug possession and distribution, vehicle theft, and other crimes.

By disrupting these thefts, police contribute to preserving the viability of Portland retail businesses. PPB’s goal is to arrest thieves and hold them accountable, which will help reduce these crimes for the entire business community.

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