South Pacific Highway Lane Closures As Road Works Start Today

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. — Road work of the Oregon Department of Transport’s (ODOT) Oregon 99 project starts today (Monday). ODOT will do utility work and make improvements just south of Phoenix, from East Glenwood to Coleman Creek, resulting in intermittent lane closures in the work zone.


Lane Closures From Oregon 99 Roadworks

The phased Southwestern Oregon project will widen the highway to provide crucial bike lanes and sidewalks on both sides of the roadway but keep the existing 5-lane section.

Enhanced transit stops, crosswalks, and crossing islands are all project features. Streetlights will also be added at four intersections. At the same time, a new drainage system and multiple mid-block pedestrian crossings with flashing beacons are also planned.

ODOT strives to minimize the impact on traffic while keeping access to businesses and driveways. The project is forecast to cost $20 million. It seeks to enhance safety and mobility for all users of the busy corridor, including bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit users.

Aiming to contribute to the Almeda Fire rebuilding process, the project seeks to provide safer transportation features to residents when housing returns.

Even with an existing RVTD route, there needs to be better access to the current transit stops, and several mobility-challenged individuals ride their scooters off the shoulder or in the travel lane.

The corridor experiences frequent fatal and serious injury crashes despite enhanced lighting and lowered speed limit. The lack of pedestrian and bike amenities poses a safety problem ODOT hopes to resolve.

During the roadwork this week, there will be minor delays of up to 20 minutes as lanes close intermittently. The closures will be effective Monday – Friday from 6 p.m. – 7 a.m.


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