The Upper Applegate Fire Has Spread Another 256 Acres but is Fully Contained

JACKSON COUNTY. Ore. — The Upper Applegate Fire spread another 256 acres in hot and windy conditions yesterday, according to the Southwest District of the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF). Nevertheless, perimeter lines are now 100% complete, as firefighters battled the adverse weather conditions before succeeding to contain the footprint of the flames.

The fire has spread from its original 500-acre footprint by a further 256 acres and now encompasses a total area of 756 acres. Yesterday’s goal was to secure water access to the southern portion of the fire. This was completed successfully and allowed water to flow downhill in the steep and rocky terrain.


Hot and Windy Conditions Acted as an Accelerant

Hot and windy weather acted as an accelerant, resulting in a few spot fires near the top of the ridge but firefighters were able to quickly knock back and then mop up the flames. The ODF says hazards facing the crew fighting the Upper Applegate Fire are heat, wind, falling trees, rocks, and the steep terrain.

Last night, 160 crew members were assigned to fight the fire. This included five teams of 20 men, four bulldozers, three engines, and three water tenders. Aircraft were once again used to fight the blaze until nightfall.


The Area Remains at Level Blue and Evacuation Notices Remain in Force

The ODF’s Southwest District is at Level Blue (Moderate). For more information visit:

Level 2 evacuation notices, issued by the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office and Jackson County Emergency Management, remain in force for Zones JAC-434 and JAC-436. For more information visit:


Investigations are ongoing to determine the cause of the fire.

The Upper Applegate Fire has been burning since last week, Thursday, on Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Services, and the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest land. The ODF Southwest Oregon District protects 1.8 million acres of forestland.


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