Underage Vaping Pandemic Sweeps Oregon Amid Regulatory Loopholes

Oregon teenagers who smoke e-cigarettes hold the dubious #10 crown in what has been called an underage vaping pandemic.


21.4% of the Population Vape

Data on smoking among the youth collected by the American Lung Association reveals that 21.4% of the state’s teenage population vape – 6.1% less than teenagers in West Virginia who took the number one spot.

Since December 2019, federal law has banned the sale of tobacco and vapor products to those under 21, but states can keep lower age limits at the risk of losing federal funding.

Although flavored vape products were prohibited by law, the Oregon Appeals Court issued an injunction allowing the sale of non-THC vape products.

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is a chemical compound in cannabis that induces a ‘high,’ or psychoactive effect.


Non-THC Vape Flavors Available Throughout the State

Despite an original ban, non-THC vape flavors are still able to be sold in the state.

Oregon youngsters cannot vape in public or workplaces or within 10 feet of enclosed areas such as ventilation systems, windows, and doors.


‘Little Cigars’ and Snus are Not Banned

Low-risk flavored tobacco products are not banned. These include flavored ‘little cigars.’ a popular choice among young people, and snus, a smokeless tobacco product placed in the mouth where the nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream.

The data was analyzed by addiction treatment specialists at The Freedom Center to establish the states with the highest number of underage youngsters smoking e-cigarettes.

The Director of Admissions for The Freedom Center, Nicholas Bellofatto is calling for stricter regulations to protect the youth from harm inflicted on lungs with the inhalation of smoke.


‘Something Clearly Isn’t Working’

He says while some states are making headway with laws designed to curb vaping among the youth, the data reveals that ‘something clearly isn’t working.’

Calling it an ‘underage vaping pandemic,’ Bellofatto says steps must be taken to put an end to the trend before the damage to their health becomes irreversible.

The top 10 underage vaping hotspots, with underage e-cigarette smokers shown as a percentage of the population, are:

  1. West Virginia 5%
  2. Alaska 2%
  3. Louisiana 5%
  4. New Mexico 4%
  5. Wyoming 2%
  6. North Carolina 8%
  7. Kentucky 9%
  8. Oklahoma 7%
  9. New Jersey 6%
  10. Oregon 4%


The number one position is held by West Virginia, where vendors of e-cigarettes do not need a retail license. While vaping is banned at schools, the state’s Clean Indoor Air Act has not been amended to prohibit the use of vapor products in areas banned from tobacco smoking.

Second-placed Alaska has the highest high school smoking rate, and the highest rate of tobacco use in high school in the nation at 8.4% and 33.7%, respectively.

In Alaska, the law has been amended to prohibit the use of vape products, and smoking is also banned. However, Alaska has both the highest high school smoking rates and high school tobacco use rates in the US, at 8.4% and 33.7%, respectively.

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