Up To $60,000 Reward For Reporting Bly Wolves Poaching in Oregon

Significant rewards are being offered for reporting Bly wolf poaching following a grey wolf poaching incident near Bly. Several wolf poachings have rewards for information about suspected poachers, and the Bly incident has the highest reward, which was announced by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) as $60,000.


Rewards Offered For Reporting Wolf Poaching

Since 2023, there have been multiple Oregon wolf poaching incidents through 2024, including three dead gray wolves found in Southern Oregon and incidents in Wallowa, Grant, and Morrow counties. The reward of $50,000 offered by USFWS has been increased in respect of the three dead gray wolves found in Bly, Southern Oregon, to $60,000.

The Oregon Wildlife Coalition is offering an additional $10,000, and the Oregon Hunters Association (OHA) is also offering $600 for information that leads to an arrest or citation. Informants can opt for five ODFW hunter preference points instead of cash.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced a $10,000 cash reward for information regarding a wolf poaching incident on private property in Morrow County this week. The Oregon Wildlife Coalition (OWC) also has a standing reward of $10,000 for wolf poaching in the area, bringing the total reward to $20,000.

Wildlife officials discovered the carcass of a grey wolf, identified as OR 159, on November 8 on private land about 20 miles south of Heppnerand.

ODFW indicated that anyone reporting information could choose to stay anonymous and select five ODFW hunter preference points instead of cash rewards for information, resulting in an arrest or citation in this case.

Anyone reporting information in an incident where poachers shot a yearling wolf south of Prairie City in Grant County on or about May 19, 2024, will get $12,100 or five ODFW hunter preference points for information.

Oregon State Police Fish & Wildlife (OSP F&W) troopers and biologists found the carcass on private property about 11 miles southeast of Prairie City next to County Road 62. The Oregon Wildlife Coalition (OWC) is offering $11,500, and the Oregon Hunters Association (OHA) is offering an extra $600.

For information related to the poisoning deaths of three grey wolves and two golden eagles in the Snake River Wildlife Management Unit and Wallowa-Whitman National Forest about 11 miles northeast of the town of Imnaha, the rewards stand at $38,700.

Troopers found the remains of a female grey wolf, a male grey wolf, a juvenile grey wolf, two golden eagles, a cougar, and a coyote in the Lightning Creek drainage, a tributary to the Imnaha River and testing and examinations conducted by the Clark R. Bavin National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory determined all seven animals died from poison.

Although  Wallowa County is east of Highway 395- where grey wolves are not listed as endangered as set out in the Endangered Species Act, they are protected by Oregon state law. Eagles are protected across the country by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.

USFWS is offering $25,000, OWC is offering $12,500, OHA is offering $1200, or a reporting party may opt for up to eight ODFW hunter preference points instead of cash for information that leads to an arrest or citation in the Wallowa case.


Anyone with information about any of these cases should:

  • Call the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: (503) 682-6131,
  • Call the Oregon State Police Dispatch: (800) 452-7888,
  • Call the Turn In Poachers TIP Line: *OSP (*677) or
  • Email: [email protected].


Callers may remain anonymous.

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