Woman Drowned in Rogue River Rafting Incident: Dog Still Missing

CURRY COUNTY. Ore. — A rafting incident at Two-Mile Rapids on the Rogue River had a tragic end. A news release from the Curry County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) indicates that a woman drowned and the dog involved in the incident is still missing.
Rogue River Drowning
A 66-year-old woman, later identified as 66-year-old Mary Kohn of Posers, Oregon, had been rafting with three other people and a dog, heading out from Foster Bar. Not long onto the trip, two women and the dog got flipped out of the raft at Two-Mile Rapids. The CCSO report confirmed that the others in the rafting party got both the females to shore but one had already drowned.
Soon after the incident, the CCSO was called and later arrived on the scene. The Marine Sergeant indicated, “There were life vests aboard the raft but no one in the rafting party was wearing them.”
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The deceased, Kohn, was transported back down to Lobster Creek and handed over to Redwood Memorial Services out of Brookings. Her next of kin have been notified, but the dog, Teddy, a black and white Australian Shepherd-type dog has still not been found. He could be identified through his pink collar and reported on the Curry County Justice Facebook page.